Check the plan by yourself
A2 Curriculum
Lesson 1 - 4
Speak about habbits, duration, difficulties, recomendations, and describe feelings.
Lesson 5 - 8
Talk about the past, past tense, desde, hasta, durante. Biographies, movies, achievements.
Lesson 9 - 12
Identify and describe people physically, irregular verbs, llevarse bien y mal, relationships.
Lesson 13 - 16
Talk about likes and preferences, describe a house, compare, locate objects, etc.
Lesson 17 - 20
formal vs informal, ask for things, favors, give permission, excuses and justifications.
Lesson 21 - 24
Give your opinion about past experiences, intentions, express desire to do something.
Lesson 25 - 28
Gastronomical likes and habbits, diets, recipes, ser vs estar, pero, además, soler. Direct object.
Lesson 29 - 32
Describe pain, symptoms, mood, give advice. Doler, ser vs estar, imperative. Body parts.
Lesson 33 - 36
Speak about past habbits, compare present and past, ya no / todavía, history, life stages.
Lesson 37 - 40
tell stories, express emotions, irregular past tense, difference between imperfecto and indefinido.
Check the plan by yourself
A1 Curriculum
Lesson 1 - 4
Greetings and farewells, Introduce yourself, basic pronunctiation, nationality, profession, and numbers.
Lesson 5 - 8
Give reasons of what you do, gender, articles, simple present, -ar/-er/-ir verbs, por/para/porque.
Lesson 9 - 12
Describe places, express existence and location, describe the weather. Latin America geography.
Lesson 13 - 16
Shopping, describe objects, ask prices, speak about preferences, colors and clothes.
Lesson 17 - 20
Describe your family and friends, talk about likes and compare with others, speak about relationships.
Lesson 21 - 24
Habits, express frequency, and say the time. Learn the days of the week, and months.
Lesson 25 - 28
Order in restaurants, describe food, talk about what you eat. Learn some hispanic dishes.
Lesson 29 - 32
Describe towns, neighborhoods, and cities. give and ask directions. Describe locations.
Lesson 33 - 36
Talk about past experiences, speak about skills, qualities, and flaws. Verbs saber and poder.